New Year Message from NNMCC Executive Director

Happy New Year to all! I hope your holiday season was filled with joy, goodwill, and the spirit of generosity. As we bid a fond farewell to 2024 and reflect on the year that has passed, I want to share some of the exciting things we look forward to sharing with you this year. Above all, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all NNMCC supporters. Your unwavering belief in our mission and your dedication to helping us make Nikkei Place whole are truly invaluable.

2025 marks the 25th anniversary of the  Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre, which officially opened at Nikkei Place on September 22, 2000. We invite you to celebrate this milestone throughout the year with us. Whether you’re visiting in person or joining us online, we look forward to sharing our activities with you.

In the Karasawa Gallery, we’ll present the Umami: Savouring Artistic Nikkei Identity exhibitions this spring and summer featuring ten talented artists working across diverse mediums. Then, in the fall and winter, we’ll be showcasing Beautifully Broken, a captivating solo exhibition of Naoko Fukumaru’s stunning kintsugi works.

As we continue to grow our public programming, we also have some important updates to share. After thoughtful consideration, we’ve made the decision to pause the Nikkei Garden Farmers Market for the time being. The market launched in 2021, a response to the pandemic, and it became a beloved space for the community to gather while supporting local farmers and artisans. We are deeply grateful to everyone who made it a success over the past four seasons. Going forward, we’ll be focused on developing  workshops, small-group activities, seasonal community markets, and, of course, the much-anticipated Nikkei Matsuri during the Labour Day weekend—a 25th anniversary celebration you won’t want to miss!

With an exciting year ahead, we are preparing for significant upgrades to our roof and HVAC systems this spring and summer, along with the launch of our capital fundraising campaign to support enhancements to our cultural gem—the tatami room and terrace. Stay tuned for more updates on these initiatives, as well as news about our multi-year Heritage Hub project, which will make our museum collections and archives, and Japanese Canadian heritage resources more accessible than ever. Through enhancements to our database, digital platforms, and processes, this project will illuminate Japanese Canadian history and heritage by providing centralized digital access to resources from across Canada and beyond.

Finally, may the wisdom, curiosity, and transformative spirit of the strategic snake guide us through the year ahead. Here’s to an exciting journey together—let’s make 2025 a year to remember! 


Karah Foster, Executive Director



展覧会:Umami: Savouring Artistic Nikkei Identity旨味:芸術で味わう日系人のアイデンティティ)」絵画、彫刻、写真など、様々な分野で活躍する日系人アーティストの作品を、春と夏の2回に分けて展示します。「Beautifully Broken(美しく壊れた)」福丸直子さんの繊細でユニークな金継ぎ作品が、秋から冬にかけてカラサワ・ギャラリーを彩ります。

プログラム:残念ながら、これまで好評だった日系ガーデン・ファーマーズマーケットは、当面の間お休みすることになりました。代わりに、ワークショップや季節のイベントなどを企画し、皆様と楽しい時間を過ごしたいと考えています。そして、8月末に行われる盛大な 25 周年記念イベント「日系祭り」に注力してまいります。 お見逃しなく!





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