Donations Gratefully Accepted

The NNMCC Auxiliary welcomes donations of items that can be sold at our fundraising events.

We accept new, gently used and clean Japanese dishware, vases, pictures, kimono, and accessories. We also welcome kokeshi and Japanese dolls in good condition. Please drop off your donation at reception during regular office hours.

Regular office hours are Tuesday to Saturday, 10am to 5pm.

Additionally, we are accepting plant donations for the Spring Bazaar. We would appreciate it if plants are potted and labelled with their type if known. Please bring them to the NNMCC reception from April 29 to May 2.

Items NOT accepted:

  • Furniture
  • Large electrical appliances
  • Large framed artworks
  • Dolls that are not in good condition

Thank you for your support! 

The proceeds will help us in our efforts to celebrate, safeguard, and share the legacy and traditions of Japanese Canadians and Japanese culture in Canada.

Find out how to join the NNMCC Auxiliary here.




受付時間:火曜から土曜 午前10時から5時まで



  • 家具
  • 大型電化製品
  • 額装された大型の美術品
  • 状態の悪い人形


