由布川亭銀歯(ゆふがわてい ぎんば)
開場 2:00pm
開演 2:30pm
一席目 「老婆の休日」
二席目 「野ざらし」
高座名(こうざめい)由布川亭銀歯(ゆふがわてい ぎんば)
社会人落語サークル、笑紫会(野田市)会員、元県南落語組合 会員
- 落語を始めたきっかけは?
落語は好きでした。40歳の時、友達に社会人落語サークルを紹介され、入会しました。入会にはオーデションがありましたが小噺で難関を突破できました(笑い)。 - 高座名の由来。
大分大学病院が由布市で猿がいっぱい住む高崎山の裏にあり、由布山が見えました。「由布市には美しい由布川渓谷があります。それで由布川亭です。大学病院では保険の入れ歯を作るのが仕事で「銀歯」です。 - 落語の面白さ、生活や人生観にどんな変化が?
おおいにうけたときは自分の力です。笑いがないときは高座にすむ魔物のせいにする噺家の言い伝えを信じています(笑い)。偉い人間を笑い飛ばしてしまう落語の庶民性とたくましさ。職場でのいじめに耐えることが出来ました(笑い) - ほかに趣味や研究をしていたこと。
Yufugawatei Ginba
May 12, 2024
Storytelling performance is in Japanese only.
Admission by donation
About Rakugo
Rakugo is a traditional form of Japanese verbal entertainment, primarily a comedic storytelling art. It dates back to the Edo period (1603-1868) and has evolved over the centuries into its modern form. Rakugo performers, known as Rakugoka, sit on a small cushion (zabuton) on stage and use only a fan (sensu) and a hand towel (tenugui) as props.
The performance typically begins with a formal introduction by the rakugoka, followed by a series of stories or anecdotes. These stories usually involve dialogue between multiple characters, with the rakugoka portraying all the roles using different voices, facial expressions, and body movements. The stories often contain wordplay, puns, and humorous twists.
One of the distinctive features of rakugo is its structure, which includes a setup (mukō), a development (chuken), and a punchline or conclusion (ochi). The rakugoka builds suspense and anticipation throughout the storytelling, leading to a climax where the punchline is delivered with impeccable timing.
Rakugo stories can cover a wide range of themes, from everyday life situations to historical events, but they are always presented in a light-hearted and entertaining manner. The ability to captivate the audience with clever storytelling and subtle humor is highly valued in rakugo.
While rakugo has deep roots in Japanese culture, it continues to attract audiences both domestically and internationally, with performers adapting the art form to suit contemporary tastes while still preserving its traditional essence.