Meet the Satsuki-kai Dancing Group, which started in May 2011 to learn and enjoy Japanese dances in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere under the direction of dancing master Kayo Nishikawa of the Nishikawa School of classical Japanese dancing. You may have seen them dancing during their weekly rehearsals at Nikkei Centre. But they are not only beautiful dancers – the members of Satsuki-kai are also enthusiastic and dedicated volunteers for many of our programs and events.
In addition to performing at multiple events throughout the year, such as O-Hanami and Nikkei Matsuri, they lead the bon-odori dance, and dress festival attendees in kimono and yukata. They even participate in our Taiken education programs for visiting school groups. Alongside other friends who are knowledgeable about Japanese traditions, they teach local kids about kimono, give them the chance to try them on, and dance traditional odori dances.