May 28 – October 1, 2011
Powell Street was the pre-war business centre of the Japanese community in Vancouver. The vibrant street was filled with busy vegetable and fish markets, taxis, bustling cafés, boarding houses, traditional bath houses and special Japanese food stores. Regular baseball games were played by the Asahi ball team in Oppenheimer Park. We invite you to discover the many monogatari of Powell Street.
Opening party, Friday, May 27, 7-9pm
Public Programs
Film Presentations:
Admission by donation
Minoru: Memory of Exile, June 2, 7pm.
Shirley Omatsu, Ohanashi – The Story of Our Elders, August 4, 7pm.
Powell Street walking tours:
Thursday, June 23, 2pm
Saturday, August 27, 10am
Friday, September 16, 2pm
Walking tour fee is $10 and reservations can be made by calling 604.777.7000
Share your memories at the Powell Street Reunion – June 17 and September 22, 12-2pm
Daily gallery tours from 2pm or by appointment from June 7-August 20.