Past travelling exhibition
This exhibit presents eighty photographs by Nikkei studio photographers in Cumberland, New Westminster, and Vancouver. These images depict diverse subjects and communities, including European, Chinese, African-American, and Japanese immigrants, both elites and labourers, representing almost fifty years of British Columbia history through the eyes of Japanese Canadians. A book catalogue accompanies this exhibition. Curated by Grace Eiko Thomson.
Touring venues
Royal BC Museum, January 11- April 17, 2005
Maltwood Art Museum and Gallery, April 21-June 22, 2005
Langley Centennial Museum, June 30-September 25, 2005
Kamloops Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre, October 5-November 15, 2005
Gendai Gallery, January 11-March 31, 2006
North Vancouver Museum, September 15-Dec 3, 2006
Cumberland Museum, December 2006-January 2007
Museum at Campbell River, February 1-April 19, 2007
Japanese Canadian National Museum, November 17, 2007-March 15, 2008
Evergree Cultural Centre, March 27-May 3, 2008
McCord Museum, May 29 – September 14, 2008
Leaf Rapids National Exhibit Centre, Oct 1- Nov 30, 2008
Langham Cultural Society, March-April, 2009
photo credit:Toshiko Iwasa Tamura and Alice Smith Miller, n.d. Hayashi/Kitamura/Matsubuchi Studio, 1913 - 1932 Cumberland Museum & Archives C194.076