Nikkei 日系
pronunciation: nee-kay
literal translation: of Japanese ancestry
definition: anyone with one or more ancestors from Japan, and/or anyone who self-identifies as Nikkei (XI COPANI Eleventh Pan-American Nikkei Conference 2001).
The term Nikkei originated in Japan during the Meiji imperial restoration, beginning in 1868, to identify Japanese immigrants and their descendants residing in foreign countries. Today, it is widely used within the Japanese diaspora worldwide but often requires explanation outside of Japan where the label is most relevant.
More than 25 individual and family stories, accompanied by rare and previously inaccessible personal belongings from the community, give evidence to lived experience of Nikkei in Canada. Discover unique stories of arrival, heroism in the face of racism, the resilience of community, and the experience of generations through the intersections of migration, racism, identity, and belonging.
The core exhibit promises, over time, to rotate through a repository of over 30,000 photographs, 35 metres of textual records, 500 oral history recordings, 100 film reels, and over 2500 artefacts and artworks, which continues to grow with the tireless efforts of our archive and collections team.
Opening Reception
Saturday July 20, 2019
1:30 – 5pm
2019 Exhibit Programs
July 20 Opening of Charles H. Kadota Resource Centre from noon
July 20 Opening of new Karasawa exhibit space from 1:30pm
Aug 24 Film screening: The Vancouver Asahi (2014)
Aug 31/Sept 1 Gallery tours during Nikkei Matsuri
Oct 8 – 11 Alberta Sugar Beets Bus Tour
Oct 17 – Nov 2 Hold These Truths, Cultch Historic Theatre
Directed by Lisa Rothe, starring Joel de la Fuente, exec produced by Tamlyn Tomita
Nov 23 Block Print Making Workshop
Dec 14 Nikkei Holiday Boutique
Feb 8 Nikke Mubi: Japanese Canadian Home Movies from the 1930s-70s
Feb 15 Tsunagu Intergenrational Conversations
March 14 Hapas, Hafus and the future of Japanese Canadian Identity
Film screening: The Wound and The Gift with director Linda Hoaglund
The Wound and The Gift is a film about the animal rescue inspired by ancient Japanese fable about a wounded crane, saved by peasants, that attempts to express her gratitude with a gift. The fable is illustrated by Victo Ngai. The film is suitable for viewers of all ages. (83 minutes)
Nikkei 日系
2019年7月20日、新しいKARASAWA博物館がオープンし、核となる展示として「Nikkei 日系」と題した展示が開催されます。Nikkeiは日本人の間で引き継がれる遺産を表す言葉ですが、日系という言葉の複雑さは、特にその言葉を使うのに最も適切な日本国内以外の場所では、しばしば説明を要します。新しいギャラリーの第一弾となるこの展示では、より良いカナダのために、日本文化、日系カナダ人の歴史や遺産を称え、保全し、共有するという私たちの使命を実現するため、博物館のアーカイブや常設展示を使い、日本人を先祖として持つカナディアンたちの幾層にも重なり合った物語が中心として語られます。この意欲的な展示では、私たちのコミュニティーの歴史において重要な出来事を、単純な帰結としてではなく、互いに交差し合う出来事としてわかりやすく説明します。ギャラリーの入場料は$5、NNMCCメンバーは無料です。