Japanese Folk Dance 民謡舞踊





Nishikawa Kayo (Yoko Matsuno), Nishikawa School Instructor, Founder of Satsuki-kai

Hisenaga Katsuyoshi (Nishikawa School Canada Satsuki-kai)


Date & Time

Regular classes are taking a little dance break until spring 2025. We'll see you then.


Fee & Registration

$10 drop-in|一般ドロップイン

$5 for NNMCC Members|NNMCC会員

No registration required|予約不要

What is Japanese Folk Dance?

Japanese Folk Dances are relatively new, originating in specific regions and handed down through generations by the local people who sing and dance them. Japanese Folk Dance is a traditional dance often performed during festivals and events in Japan. Dancers wear Yukata, traditional Japanese clothing. While Yukata can restrict movement, the dance focuses on beauty and deliberate motions that complement the attire. This class will introduce you to various styles of Japanese Folk Dance.

What to Wear

Please wear comfortable clothes. You are welcome to wear your own yukata and join.


日本の民謡は比較的新しく、特定の地域で発祥し、地元の人々によって世代を超えて踊られてきました。 民謡は日本の祭りやイベントの際に一般的に行われる踊りです。日本の浴衣を着て練習することで、日本の文化を体験しながら練習を楽しむことができます。このクラスでは、さまざまなスタイルの日本の民謡を紹介します。



About the Instructor


The Satsuki kai was formed in May 2011 by Nishikawa Kayo of the Nishikawa School of Japanese classical dance to give people an opportunity to enjoy learning Japanese dance. The name comes from the pronunciation of the old name for May, “satsuki”, although it is written with a different Chinese character meaning “colour”. The hope is for people to have a more colourful, happier life through dance.